Sunday, May 10, 2015

感恩之月 大优惠

感恩之月 诚意回扣 高达RM2,000 予伟大的 父母
请致电Ms Lau 012 - 405 1318 锁定此优惠

可您是否想过,他们也会想拥有一个 ‘往后的永恒之家’ ,

诚意向您推荐, 富贵山庄- 槟城西湖园
一个风水绝佳,有保安,冷气设备的 风景墓园
并备有0 利息分期付款

在这双亲节,我们也将特别送出 进口精美玉制骨灰瓮,

Happy Mother's Day to all Mothers!
In this Parents' Day, we reward parents with Love.
Special Rebate RM1,000 / RM 2,000 + Free Imported Jade Urns

Still remember your first Insurance bought by your parents?
They knew the importance of Pre Planning.
Perhaps now is the time you repay them.
Buy them a quality future home!

We sincerely introduce you Penang West Lake Garden,
A memorial park with Good Feng Shui & air-conditioned
*Interest Free Installment

Call / whatsapp direct Hotline:
Ms Lau 012 - 405 1318
(District Service Director of Nirvana Penang)
*T&C apply